82 research outputs found

    A Method to Partially Suppress IS1 and MA1 for DS SS CDMA Wireless Networks

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    We propose a method to partially suppress ISI and MAI for US SS CDMA schemes in wireless LANs. The method can be regarded as an alternative approach to combat ISI and in particular MAI by the use of advanced multiuser detection. Instead of using very sophisticated detectors, we propose introduction of a simple modification to the carrier waveform which results in very substaiitial reduction in cross-correlation belween users and an off-peak auto-correlation. The method can be applied to any DS SS CDMA scheme, but should be particularly useful in the case of short spreading signatures, as is the case of WLAN

    Closed-Form Derivations of ISI and MUI for Time-Reversed Ultra Wideband

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    Through transmitter pre-filtering, a time reversed UWB system is capable if harnessing a multipath channel to achieve temporal and spatial focusing. Unfortunately, large RMS channel delay spread leads to significant intersymbol and multiuser interference. This paper presents closed-form expressions for self and multi-user interference for a UWB system utilizing a time-reversed approach. The influence of user multiplexing codes is taken to account through incorporation of a ‘separation probability’, which characterizes a family of hopping sequences. The standardized IEEE 802.15.3a channel model is applied, and the derived performances are compared with that of a simulated time hopped time-reversed UWB system

    Error Performance of the 13-Channel DS CDMA WATM LAN

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    In the paper, we present simulation results for the 13 channel DS CDMA WATM LAN utilising optimized complex spreading signatures based on Walsh-Rademacher functions. The method to obtain those optimized spreading signatures, as well as the full set of the coefficients giving the minimum level of cross-correlation between any pair of the channels is shown. The resultant system BER and the distribution of errors within encapsulated WATM cells is given. The obtained results indicate that with the application of a hybrid ARQ scheme, capable of correcting 10 errors, the number of WATM cells which would require retransmission is in the order of I-2%

    Modelling and Comparative Performance Analysis of a Time Reversed UWB System

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    The effects of multipath propagation lead to a significant decrease in system performance in most of the proposed ultra-wideband communication systems. A time-reversed system utilises the multipath channel impulse response to decrease receiver complexity, through a prefiltering at the transmitter. This paper discusses the modelling and comparative performance of a UWB system utilising time-reversed communications. System equations are presented, together with a semianalytical formulation on the level of intersymbol interference and multiuser interference. The standardised IEEE 802.15.3a channel model is applied, and the estimated error performance is compared through simulation with the performance of both time-hopped time-reversed and RAKE-based UWB systems

    DS CDMA Scheme for WATM with Errors and Erasures Decoding

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    In the paper, we present simulation results for the 13 channel DS CDMA WATM LAN utilising optimized complex spreading signatures based on Walsh functions. The method to obtain those optimized spreading signatures, as well as the full set of the coefficients giving the minimum level of cross-correlation between any pair of the channels is shown. The resultant system BER as well as the distribution of errors within WATM cells is given. The obtained results indicate that with the application of a hybrid ARQ scheme with errors and erasures decoding, the number of WATM cells which would require retransmission is in the order of 0.46%

    Simulation Supported Estimation of End-to-End Transmission Parameters in Non-Viral Gene Delivery

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    Communications, in general, involve delivery of information from a source to a sink. At nano-scale, an example of a man-made communications involving interfacing with biological systems at intra-cellular level is non-viral gene delivery. From a telecommunications engineering perspective, important end-to-end parameters of such a system are: the endto- end delay, system capacity, and packet loss rate. There are neither known methods to estimate those parameters theoretically nor they are ready available from standard measurements. The paper provides estimates for those parameters based on the simulation of non-viral gene delivery system based on the queuing theory. The simulator used has been validated through the series of in-vitro laboratory experiments

    On a method to improve correlation properties of orthogonal polyphase spreading sequences, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2003, nr 2

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    In this paper, we propose a simple but efficient method for improving correlation properties of polyphase spreading sequences for asynchronous direct sequence code division multiple access (DS CDMA) applications. The proposed method can be used to reduce the mean square value of aperiodic crosscorrelation or the mean square value of aperiodic autocorrelation, the maximum value of aperiodic cross-correlation functions, merit factor or other properties of the sequence set. The important feature of the method is that while it modifies correlation properties of the sequence set, it preserves sequence orthogonality for perfect synchronization, if this is the property of the original sequence set

    Review of Distributed Beamforming, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 1

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    As the capabilities of individual nodes in wireless sensor networks increase, so does the opportunity to perform more complicated tasks, such as cooperative distributed beam- forming to improve the range of communications and save precious battery power during the transmission. This work presents a review of the current literature focused on implementing distributed beamformers; covering the calculation of ideal beamforming weights, practical considerations such as carrier alignment, smart antennas based on distributed beamformers, and open research problems in the field of distributed beamforming

    Two complex orthogonal space-time codes for eight transmit antennas

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    Two new constructions of complex orthogonal space-time block codes of order 8 based on the theory of amicable orthogonal designs are presented and their performance compared with that of the standard code of order 8. These new codes are suitable for multi-modulation schemes where the performance can be sacrificed for a higher throughput

    Amicable Orthogonal Designs of Order 8 for Complex Space-Time Block Codes

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    New amicable orthogonal designs AODs(8; 1; 1; 1; 2; 2; 2), AODs(8; 1; 1; 4; 1; 2; 2), AODs(8; 1; 2;2; 2; 2; 4), AODs(8; 1; 2; 2; 1; 2; 4), AODs(8; 1; 1; 2; 1; 2; 4), AODs(8; 1; 2; 4; 2; 2; 2), AODs(8; 1; 1; 4; 1; 1; 2; 2), AODs(8; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2) and AODs(8; 1; 1; 1; 2; 1; 2; 2; 2) are found by applying a new theorem or by an exhaustive search. Also some previously undecided cases of amicable pairs are demonstrated to be non-existent after a complete search of the equivalence classes for orthogonal designs